Thursday, December 07, 2006

Musings on Abundance

I'm in a funny state, really believing in the law of attraction, that I, through my thoughts and feelings, am the creator of my reality, but unsatisfied with what I am creating. It is winter on Block Island and I am once again broke and without prospects. I am in a different state than in any of my other 9 winters here in that I have lots of enthusiasm and ideas of what I have to offer the community, except that nobody out here is interested. Well, a few are interested, but they are not willing to pay me for my efforts. Maybe it is not working out for me monetarily because our financial institutions are going to collapse soon, and I am being guided away from participating in capitalism so that I will be less affected when it fails. It really is a Catch-22--I am doing my best to feel abundance, but when it does not come my way I can't help but feel my lack, which keeps me in a state of non-abundance! It is exhausting, stressful and humiliating to be poor and I want to change this state, but it is hard when nothing around me supports my belief that I can change this state through the power of my intentions. I am searching for the block within myself that is keeping me from allowing abundance into my life, trying to come back to the moment over and over again by asking myself what my vibrational offering is on a moment to moment level. Do I want to vibrate stress and fear or love and hope? All I can do is keep trying and keep asking for guidance, I guess, but I will admit to being discouraged and feeling unsupported, for the most part, by my community. So I call my community to me now! Reveal yourselves to me! And I call the land to which I belong to call me.....

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